
*If you or someone you know is having THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE, please do not take that lightly. If you or someone you know is having FEELINGS OF HOPELESSNESS AND DESPAIR…please…talk to someone. SOMEONE CARES about you, and WANTS THE BEST FOR YOU. Whatever PROBLEMS may exist now ARE ONLY TEMPORARY. Please do not make a devastating and permanent decision over a temporary problem. THERE IS ALWAYS HELP!  FOR MORE INFORMATION on suicide prevention, VISIT https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org, or call 1-800-273-8255. From all of us at Tilden Middle School, WE NEED FOR YOU TO BE OK!


NOTE:  The information below is still quite useful and appropriate.  There are additional resources on our Remote Learning Resources Page.


Dear Parents,

As we look toward our PSSA, we, the Tilden Middle School Staff, are asking you to join us in making your children ready and up for the task.  We know that they can do it!  It has been done before!

We have been working hard to prepare your children to simply show all of the wonderful skills that they have learned, but they have to know that you are also expecting growth.  To this end, we have provided PSSA Released Items from the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website.  Released Items are previous PSSA tests, which the state has released so that they can be used for studying and acquiring necessary skills in reading, math and science.  They are also, specifically for preparing for the next PSSA.

We have provided you with access to some of those Released Items, with the hope that you will not only encourage your children to access them, but that you will access them with your children.  If you do this together, you will have an understanding of what your child will see in a few weeks, and your child will definitely appreciate the sharing that time with you.


The Tilden Middle School Staff


Parent/Student Handbook

The Tilden Middle School 2024 – 2025 Parent/Student Handbook can be found here.



Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8



Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8



Grade 8


I. Attendance


 Our expectations are vastly high this year. They are high for me as the lead teacher, learner and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of our school, and they are very high for each boy, girl, teacher, and parent in our community. Parents, it is very important that children are present and on time everyday! Instruction begins at 8:15am sharp! Children who arrive after 8:25 am will be marked late! If we want our children to be college ready, and if we want them to meet the Tilden blue ribbon principal’s and honor roll standards, we must ensure they do not miss instruction. Excellent attendance is the first step to helping our children become college ready. The Common Core content is very challenging for students; children must be present and on time for school in order to do their best. Your children won’t want to miss a single moment.

 In the best interest of our children, the Tilden attendance team will adhere to the school districts attendance policies and has created a chronic absence/truancy watch list as well as an attendance plan and will be making daily phone calls. We will be making ongoing home visits throughout the year and will offer support through our Student Support Team (SST). We will also make referrals to   Truancy Court, if necessary.  Students should aim for perfect attendance so that we can celebrate you and your child at our quarterly and annual awards ceremonies.

Every Student, Every Day, On Time!


II.  Promotion Requirements

          A. The Promotion and Graduation Policy

SRC-7 (As Amended)

The Promotion and Graduation Policy is aligned with and is supported by the School Reform Commission’s Declaration of Education of 2004, which identifies the following Beliefs and Visions:

               1. We believe all children can learn at high levels.

               2. We believe all children can reach their learning potential and that the achievement gap can be eliminated.

               3. We believe schools have an enormous impact on children’s lives.

               4. We believe the School District of Philadelphia can become a high performing organization.

               5. We believe that all children should be educated in a safe and orderly environment.

One of the goals of the School Reform Commission is for students to achieve at the Proficient level or beyond in reading, mathematics and science. In order to assist students with this increased expectation, this policy provides for increased and systematic classroom supports. Failure to provide these supports jeopardizes the successful implementation of the Promotion and Graduation Policy.

In this document, student work at the Proficient and Basic Levels reflects grade level descriptors aligned with Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) academic content standards. Proficient work indicates a solid understanding and adequate display of required skills. Basic work is approaching satisfactory performance but has not yet reached it. A student at the Basic level demonstrates a variety of competencies in grade level work. Students functioning at the Basic level and above should be promoted to the next grade. Students performing above grade level shall have differentiated opportunities for accelerated learning. This policy does not allow grade level acceleration (skipping grades).

        B. Grade Values

A    =   90-100

B    =   80-89

C    =   70-79

D    =   60-69

F     =   50 – 59


        C. Honor Roll

Honor Roll at Tilden Middle School consists of three categories: distinguished, meritorious, and honorable mention. To be eligible for distinguished honors, a student must have all A’s on his/her report card and no 3’s in behavior.  To be eligible for meritorious honors a student must have a combination of all A’s and B’s or all B’s on his/her report card and no 3’s in behavior. To be eligible for honorable mention, a student must have all A’s and B’s in core subjects and no more than 1 C in any subject, as well as no 3’s in behavior.


         D. Homework Policy

Homework is an important part of every student’s instructional program.  Through homework, classroom instruction is reinforced, high expectations are supported, students are encouraged to be self-directed, and the relationship between the school and the home is strengthened.  The completion of all assignments is very important, not only in terms of its effect on a student’s grade, but also as a reflection of a student’s work habits and self-discipline.  As such, it is the responsibility of a student to complete all assignments within the specified time allotted and in a manner that represents the student’s best effort.  Additionally, it is a student’s responsibility to notify his/her teacher, as soon as possible, when he/she is unable to complete a required assignment and the reason(s) for not being able to do so.

While students are to assume the major responsibility for completing all homework assignments, parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their child’s homework by:

·      Asking about homework every day

·      Providing a definite time and suitable place for the completion of homework assignments

·      Helping to secure resource materials for their child

·      Checking homework for accuracy, neatness and completeness

·      Meeting with the teacher to discuss issues or concerns with respect to homework and/or class work assignments


       E. Academic Support

Students are encouraged to seek help as soon as they detect a problem in a subject by speaking to their teacher or counselor. Students in need of extra help in a subject can get the following assistance:

           1.  The after-school tutoring program

           2.   Grade Course Recovery


      F. Permission Forms
           1. Student Media Permission Form – This form should be filled out by the Parent or Legal Guardian of a student prior to using a student’s picture, voice, video and/or full name on the School District or an individual school’s website.

           2. EH-80 Parental Permission Form (English) – This is the English version of the form that should be filled out by the Parent or Legal Guardian of a student authorizing the student to participate in a school trip.  (Forms in other languages can be made available upon request.)


    G. Extracurricular Activities

There are several activities available for the students to be a part of:

          1. Basketball

          2. Track

          3. Choir

          4. Band

          5. Productions:Telecommunications (Video/Photography through WHYY)

          6. Praise Dance

          7. African Dance

          8. Student Council

          9. Concerned Black Men

 H.  Academic Information

The School offers special programs for our students at Tilden:

        1. ESOL Programs

        2. Extra-Curricular Clubs

        3. Orchestra and Choir

        4. Peer Mediation Program

        5. Special Education Programs

        6. Sport Programs

        7. After-School Credit/Course Recovery


I. Bell Schedule (Subject to Change)

Students will be provided with their daily class schedule at the beginning of every marking period. Parents who wish to have a copy of their schedule may contact the office to request a copy.


J. Dress code: School Shirt

Students may purchase a Tilden Middle School shirt from our school. Hoodies, hats, caps, clothing that exposes armpits, a bare back or midriff, see-through clothing, and accessories with protruding metal spikes are not permitted.


K. Lunch/Breakfast Program (Free and Reduced)

All of our students are entitled to a free lunch and breakfast every day. There will be no forms to fill out. A free breakfast is provided for all students who arrive at school prior to the start of day. All students must eat lunch in school. Pupils bringing beverages may not bring glass bottles to school. Students may only eat/drink in the lunchroom. Students must stay in cafeteria during the lunch period.

     1. Lunchroom

Students may use the lunchroom only during their scheduled lunch periods. Eating takes place in the lunchroom only. In order to make the lunchroom and other areas orderly, clean and attractive, all students are expected to wait their turn in the food line in an orderly fashion, keep the table areas and floor areas clean, sit only on the designated tables, place all trash in the proper receptacles which have been placed throughout the lunchroom, leave the area clean for others to use, use good table and eating manners, and follow directions from staff members manning the lunchroom.


L. Counseling Service (215-400-8170)

The school counselor, Mrs. Nyugen is available to help parents, children, and teachers solve school-related problems. This may involve making referrals to special programs or other schools and services. The counselor helps parents and children make changes towards a productive school experience. Our goal is to prevent major problems from occurring. Children are seen individually and/or in groups.

We are a school that helps children learn to solve problems. The counselor works with individual children, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals and groups of children toward the goal of developing individual responsibility and an understanding of the best way each child can handle life’s challenges. Parents are encouraged to meet with the counselor regarding students’ grades and behavioral support services.


M. Nursing Service

The nurse is responsible for giving first aid or emergency treatment.  The nurse is not permitted to give medication for short-term illnesses. The nurse may provide emergency first aid only if a student becomes ill in school. It is the parent’s responsibility to get the student from school and follow through with appropriate care at home. Do not send your student to school if he/she is ill. The nurse will not be able to meet his/her medical needs.

      1. Special Medical Conditions

If your child has a condition that requires special consideration or medication such as asthma, diabetes, etc., please notify the nurse, so he can inform the necessary school personnel.

      2. Medication

School policy dictates that children may not bring medication to school.  If it becomes necessary for a student to take medication during the school day, please contact the nurse and he will arrange to administer the medication.  Nurse can be reached at (215) 400-8170.

      3. Medical And Dental Appointments

Please do not make dental or medical appointments for your child during the school day. Most doctors have after school or Saturday hours. If it is necessary that your child attend an appointment during the school day, be certain to send a note in to school verifying your child’s absence.


N. Emergency Contact

Emergency contact information is updated annually.  It is imperative that we have a current emergency contact on file for your child.


O. Transportation/Transpasses

Public transportation to school is available via SEPTA Bus at dismissal time. Students can board these buses in the front of the school. Students who live 2 miles or more from the school will receive free transpasses to ride Septa. These passes will be given out on during advisory on Friday and Monday mornings only. If students do not pick up their transpasses by Monday morning, the transpasses will be returned to the office and sent downtown. The students will have to pay for their own transpass at the store.


P. Student Expectations and Conduct

The staff of the Tilden Middle School seeks to provide a school atmosphere that is free of disruption and allows students to develop a sense of responsibility, self-respect and respect toward others. Our goal is to have our students develop into productive citizens in our community. We expect our students to develop these qualities by following the rules listed in the School District’s Student Code of Conduct.  Discipline and good citizenship are shared responsibilities of the school administration, the teachers, the students and our parents. When we all work together the children benefit. Appropriate school staff will contact parents when the need for intervention/support is evident. Parents should share their concerns with school staff and should encourage students to do the same.


Q. Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Students in possession of, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, will be subject to prosecution under the law and disciplinary action as defined by the School District of Philadelphia Code of Student Conduct. Violators will also be referred to the Student Assistance Program and required to attend its sessions as condition of reinstatement to school.


R. Electronic Devices

All electronic devices must be turned off until the end of the school day. Devices will be confiscated and returned to parents after the first offense. Items confiscated a second time will not be returned until the end of the school year. Please be advised that Tilden Middle School is not liable for any item that has been confiscated by school police that has been lost or stolen.


S. Weapons – Act 26

Students found to be in possession of weapons, as defined by State law or School District Policy, will be subject to immediate suspension, arrest, transfer to a disciplinary school and/or possible expulsion (see Act 26 in the discipline section in the School District Code of Conduct) and Act 26 of 1995 (The Safe Schools Act). Act 26 requires that any student, regardless of age, found to be possessing a weapon on school property, in a school program or event, or while traveling to or from a school or school program or event (including school buses and public transportation) be arrested and expelled from the School District for at least one year. If the child is under 17, the parent will be responsible for providing an appropriate education during the expulsion, either at a private school or with another public school district. Violations of Act 26 will become part of a student’s permanent record, and will now be available to any school in which he or she may later enroll. It also requires parents to provide a sworn statement upon registering their child in school as to whether the child had previously been suspended or expelled from another school. Act 26 also requires schools to maintain records on acts of violence and weapon possession and to forward student discipline records when a student transfers to another school.

Act 33 of 1995(Delinquent Vs. Criminal Acts) – Act 33 provides that any person age 15 or older who commits a violent crime and either (a) committed the crime with a deadly weapon or (b) has previously been adjudicated delinquent for a violent crime, will automatically be tried as an adult in the criminal justice system.


T. Smoking Policy

By state law and school board policies, all schools are smoke-free facilities. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building or on school grounds. Students found in violation of this rule will be severely disciplined.


U. Detentions

Detentions may be assigned for minor discipline infractions or late arrival to school. Students are required to report to detention on time and bring materials that can be used for study.  Students are to remain silent, and sleeping is not permitted. Students must observe the Code of Student Conduct while serving a detention. Students who fail to serve assigned detentions or who accumulate an excessive number of detentions are subject to further disciplinary action.


V. Reinstatement from Suspension

Reinstatements after suspension for disciplinary action will occur at the scheduled time only.Reinstatements will only be held with the legal parent/guardians listed in each student’s record. Any persons not listed as a legal parent/guardian may not be involved in any school related activities or information for that student, including reinstatements from suspensions. If you cannot attend the assigned time, call the main office and ask for the dean so that we can accommodate your schedule. The parent/guardian whose name appears on the school records must accompany the student for reinstatement. Phone reinstatements are not permitted.


W. Visitors/Trespass Ordinance

Parents are always welcomed at Tilden, but should make and appointment to meet with an administrator, counselor, or teacher. For safety reasons, all visitors must report to the main office to sign in and to obtain a visitor’s pass. They must sign out prior to leaving the building. All visitors will be required to go through the metal scanner prior to the entering the school. No visits are allowed to classrooms unless previously scheduled with an administrator. Visits require a minimum of 48-hour notice. The anti-trespass ordinance provides that within fifteen minutes of entering a school building, permission must be obtained to remain on the premises. Failure to comply with this regulation constitutes a violation and may lead to a maximum fine of $300 and a maximum sentence of 90 days in jail.

Any person any school in the District to which he/she is not assigned, without proper authorization, and disrupts the normal business process of the school is subject to arrest for disorderly conduct. Parents are expected to set a role model for their son/daughter and other students in conducting their behavior in a professional and appropriate manner.


X. Personal Messages

Families are asked not to call the school to deliver personal messages to students during the school day. Office staff is not permitted to interrupt the educational program to deliver messages. If an emergency occurs, please call the child’s counselor who will assess the extent of the emergency.


Y. Parent Location Card
The School District of Philadelphia

Tilden Middle School

________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Form Parent Location Card


Student’s Name _____________________________ Grade _____


Date of Birth ___________________


Address ______________________________________________

Parent Contact






Home #______________________ Cell #___________________


Emergency Contact:




Telephone No._____________ Relationship _________________




III. RTK Letters

Parent and Family Engagement / Right to Know

   A. RTK Signed FY18 English

   B. RTK Qualification Parent Letter_Spanish





Academic Calendar

VI. Mayor’s Office of Education


VII. School Finder

School Finder tool







X. Transportation



XI. Bullying Prevention



XII. Translation Services
